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Environ Health Toxicol > Volume 33:2018 > Article
Kwon: Thanks to our authors, reviewers, editors, and Prof. Ha
It has been over three decades since the first issue of Environmental Health and Toxicology (EHT, formerly Korean Journal of Environmental Toxicology) was published. Open-access and English-only strategy since 2011 has been quite successful to raise the accessibility of EHT to readers all over the world. As a result, EHT is indexed in PubMed, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), Google scholar, etc. and its unofficial impact factor has been raised to approximately 1.28 in 2017 according to Web of Science journals. This great achievement is totally attributed to our contributors – authors, reviewers, associate editors, and Prof. Mina Ha who served as the Editor-in-Chief for eight years.
In spite of a great success, EHT faces with a challenge. Number of manuscripts submitted to EHT has been steady around 30 articles per year. Although published articles are of quality, we need to expand the annual volume of articles. Because EHT accepts various types of manuscripts – original articles, reviews, perspectives, commentaries, letters to the editor, case reports, etc., authors are encouraged to submit any types of articles that suit to a broad spectrum of environmental health and toxicology. It is the main mission of our new editorial board to encourage manuscript submissions, to improve the editorial services, and to make EHT a small-but-strong international journal.
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Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University
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